Thursday, August 03, 2006

Cell Phone Woes

Ok, I know you guys are going to remind me that I at one time said, "I will never, ever own a cell phone." Now I am starting to wonder why I attached myself to one of these accursed things in the first place.

This cheaply made, shoddily constructed Motorola V220 is a piece of junk. I've already had to replace it once already, and now the screen is acting up. It is impossible to see my contacts, which makes it difficult to stay in contact with the people I want to call. Thankfully, all of my numbers are stored on my SIM card, so I don't have to worry about permanently losing the numbers.

Anyway...I know that this isn't really the norm as far as this blog goes, but I had to voice my frustrations somewhere. May the world know that Motorola doesn't create quality!

I do have a question for all of you. Let me know what you think about cell phones. Do they help your life and make it easier, or do they simply add stress to your life?

I also want to know if you've found a particular style of phone that works for you, and why it works for you. As a former sub-contractor for Cingular's E-911 True Locator service, I understand some of the ins and outs of the cell phone world. It's an amazing technology that allows for conversations as you're going down the road at 75 mph, but it's got its faults as well. I want to hear your comments...let 'em fly!


Anonymous said...

I really like cell phones. Don't get me wrong they have their downsides and many people have become a slave to their cell phones never letting a call wait until later. I think the American cell phone market is rediculous in how it is driven though. It is built on enticing someone to sign their life away the best plan we have out right now if you sign for the next 10 years then you can have a "free" phone. Once you recieve this "free" phone you have enslaved yourself to this company for the next ten years unless you pay 1000 dollars in exit my contract early fees. This is not to mention the overage nightmares. Remember I said I like cell phones. I live in a prepaid driven market where you buy your own phone and I use my phone all the time and travel yet my monthly bill is about 15 USD.

JGaroutte said...

It all depends on your personality, I think. The biggest downside to cell phones that I see is how annoying others in public can be with them, and money issues. However, they really don't have to be annoying to you--Amy and I don't have a land line, only our cell phones, and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's just a matter of finding a good cell phone plan that fits your lifestyle and being considerate of others with your phone. A cell is no different than owning a car, having credit cards, or paying for a house or rent.

The only reason I got a cell phone to begin with was for emergency purposes--I was 14 hours away from home during college, so if something happened, I was in big trouble. Start there--get one simply for emergencies, then it's role in your life will slowly change as you use it more.

(And Motorola does suck--just because a phone looks nice or costs more doesn't mean it's a better phone. Talk to your sales associates and find one that is sturdy in case you drop it, and gets good reception more often--I loved my cheap nokia for those reasons, and I'm finding out that Sony Erricsons are similiar & nicer.)

matt said...

Do I really need to tell you what I think about cell phones? Have you forgotten my tireless ranting?

For the record, I still do not carry one. My wife and I have a pre-paid phone we throw in the car for long trips. Two people have the number. i don't think I have ever answered it.

I just think that telephones themselves are one of the banes of Western society. Everyone raves about their convenience, and the "where would I be without my cell?" lines are all-too-common. But we are old enough to remember where we actually were before cell phones. And so I ask you (us): were we really isolated and out-of-touch until we put that little phone up to our ears? I don't remember it that way at all.

Unknown said...

I have a Motorola V220. I haven't had any screen problems with it, but I am considering getting a new phone. Though, it is not necessary right now.

Mark and I only have cell phones, and no home phone. (It is cheaper that way.) So I guess it would be pretty hard to live without it. No one could call us.