Thursday, September 07, 2006


Nathan and Sue - one of the most important T-Rex fossils ever discovered. This skeleton is the most complete fossil of a T-Rex in known existence. Her actual skull is on the balcony above her because it weighs too much to go with the body on the frame on the main floor. The skull seen is a reconstruction.

Ferris Wheel

The ignorance of Darwinian thought...what do we do with it? Is this something that should be taught exclusively to the school students that we saw in the Field Museum? Or should other creation/coming-to-existence stories also be presented? Let me know what you think.

Erin and the elephants


Field Museum Great Hall


JGaroutte said...

BRO!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL?!?!? I know--i'm not exactly at the top of your "See again before I die" list... but still, Chicago is less than 2 hours away... I would've gladly taken the time to drive up and see you guys. Sorry I missed you--hope the trip was good!

Unknown said...

I'm jealous. Chicago is one of my favorite places to visit. It sounds like you guys had fun.

matt said...

Where are the pictures of you visit with Mr. Chicago himself? You did visit him, didn't you?

As for creation-evolution crap, I am going to hear a paper presented this afternoon called "Darwinism, Intelligent Design, and Other Heresies". Should be fun. I'll send you a link to the paper sometime, if you're interested.