Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The BolderBoulder

Thank you Kim and Alison for your comments on the last posting. That really helps us in the decision process. This blog seems to be a lot cleaner and more visitor-friendly than the busythumbs blog. Thanks again!

Well, we've signed up to run the BolderBoulder here in a few weeks. Apparently this is one of the biggest 10k races in the country. We're really looking forward to it. Erin has run it before, but this is the first time for Nathan. We've both run a 10k before (the Tulsa Run in Oklahoma). In fact, we ran the Tulsa Run on the day that we got engaged to be married over 3 years ago.

Just so we're clear, neither of us is the one in the monkey suit, but it does bring back some pretty scary memories for Nathan from college! Anyway, if you're interested in running the BolderBoulder, or if you're just interested in why we're running, take a look at

Well, we hope you all have a wonderful day, and we'll keep you posted a little better than we've been doing lately...Please let us know how you're doing! Leave us a comment, so that we can know how to more specifically pray for you, and just so that we can selfishly know how our friends are doing!


Anonymous said...

yes...i vaguely seem to remember nathan being traumatized in college by someone resembling an ape as well. i don't quite remember the details though. Nathan, are you clear on that? it seems to have slipped my mind.

hope you guys are doing well.


Unknown said...

I used to run the Bolder Boulder too. My dad has actually run it virtually every year from the very beginning! Stay after your race for the skydivers/parachuters and music. Also, go around to visit all the booths outside the stadium and get a bunch of free stuff! Oh, you guys make me miss Boulder! That's OK, we'll be there in a week and a half, on our way up to WA.