Thursday, May 04, 2006

Quoted: "The measure of my life: Is it "blogworthy?"

Nathan typing:

So I saw this quote today at the bottom of an email from Seth Glaze and it made me think about it. Is my life blogworthy? Well, I really don't know. If I were to say that it is, then does that make me a conceited, self-centered punk? However, I know that I have those tendencies to begin with. I don't know if the things that I busy myself with every day are worthy of any attention whatsoever. However, I do know that I sure hope that what I do makes an impact somewhere for the good.

When I look at Erin, and I think "yeah, she has a blogworthy life." She works in labor and delivery and welcomes people into the world every day. She comforts those who are in pain, and she gives a smile to those who need it. Her life is one of great impact, so yes, she has a blogworthy life.

But most importantly, I want to know that I am living a Christworthy life. When it all boils down to the bare essentials, that's all that really matters. When I stand before my Maker on that day of judgment, will I know that my life was worthy of the Christ Who saved me from my sins on the cross? Will I be able to look back on the years that He gave to me and say that is was Christworthy?

A country song that I really like has the line, "I hope that someday soon you get the chance to live like you were dyin.'" (I'm sure you noticed the missing "g" on the end of dyin' - it's a country song...what do you expect?!) But seriously...that's how I hope to live my life. I hope I never forget the fact that every day is a gift, and that I am not guaranteed a single day on this earth. So I must love my God with all that I am. I must selflessly give myself to my wife in the way of service to her that only those who know the love of Jesus can come close to understanding. I must live in a way that inspires others onward toward the ultimate joy...Jesus Christ Himself.

My challenge to you is this: Live every day like it could be your last. And if today is your last day in this life, do you know where you'll spend the rest of transcendent eternity? If it's joy and hope you seek, Jesus is the way to God. If it's separation, loneliness, and despair that you want, then seek anything else. But friend, please seek Jesus. I have this treasure and I desperately want you to also know Him and to have the treasure of His friendship and love as well.

1 comment:

JGaroutte said...

HEY! I was just looking around and happened to come across your xanga site--which then led me here... Good to see you guys again! It was so awesome hanging out with you two last summer for Clint's wedding (and after).

Knowing you, I'm sure that you can rise to the challenge that is blogging--it's not about living a life worth blogging, but about blogging a life worth living (You like that? Doesn't mean a darn thing... I made it up... sounded philosophical...) It's great to hear that you're alive, and this is a very small way for people on the other side of Earth (like me) to keep track of what you're doing or what's going on in your brain still. Spending time with you has always inspired me in where I stand with Christ... As long as you keep struggling to live a life that's Christworthy, you can always spruce up the the rest to be blogworthy...

P.S. My wife's also an L&D nurse--you can tell erin she can relate experiences if she goes to my site, and connects from there...